Friday, May 25, 2012

Every Penny Counts

One thing I Relish is counting my pennies.

I don't like numbers, but I do like saving I count every penny.

Each time that I go to the grocery store and I want to impulse buy a box of $2.78 crackers (I love crackers) I don't.  I remind myself that $2.78 x 4 weeks is almost $12, which can buy a nice lunch out with a friend. So I wait until I have a coupon or it is on my budgeted grocery list.

I am not the only one who counts every penny either.  Did you know that Oprah used to take her lunch to work when running the Oprah show to save her pennies?

So even if you do - or do not - need extra money.  It's simply wise to count pennies.  They really do add up!

(As I write this, I really would love to be impulsive and get a Mani Pedi...but instead I am going to do my own nails and then use that money saved for a dinner out with my hubby:-)

Counting every penny,
Rhonda G.