You will receive $5 off any purchase of $30 or more in January!
Here's how the offer works:
Simply come in to shop in January and...
- Bring in your receipt(s) showing you spent $30 or more in the month of December...and you will receive $5 OFF when you spend $30 or more in January!
- Or come shop this week if you haven't already and receive your $5 voucher OFF $30 or more for January when you spend $30 or more with us this December!
Moving on to what we're up to:
- Our website: We have tried using several different online sales tools...and we finally found one. So, I can truly and officially say that we will be selling items online again starting January 7th!
- January 11th: Sign up for our 2 hour workshop at Relish -
How To Reuse Your Christmas Cards!
That's right, keep those cards from your friends and family and come to our workshop on January 11th from 5:30 -7:30 and re-use them for cool and nifty crafts!
To sign up:
* $10 per person includes drinks, treats, supplies, ideas, instructions along with fun and fellowship! All you need to do is bring your Christmas cards that you would typically throw away! To sign up we ask that you pre-pay for your spot(s) by stopping by Relish with a check or cash. It will be a fun, creative and resourceful night at Relish:-) Book your spot now, given they're filling up fast!
Thanks for being a friend and fan of Relish! We relish in knowing you:-)
Merry Christmas!
Dedicated to you relishing in resourcefulness,
Rhonda G.
Steward and Owner of Relish Vintage & Artisan Boutique
Recycle. Repurpose. Refashion.