More so, given I do indeed clip coupons, plan meals to utilize all ingredients, cook a few meatless meals each week, dine in 6 days a week, entertain at home, pack my lunch most of the time, wash my own car (ok, my hubby does that), turn off the lights behind me, watch temperatures in the house, recycle, grow our own veggies and herbs in the garden and much's ok for me to rationalize why I should definitely have something I really want...right? :-)
Yet, I have learned a valuable lesson over my 37 years: Make sure you really want it, before you buy it. So, that's what I'm doing today...really wanting something, yet being resourceful and thinking it through first to make sure I just don't want it today - and that I will want it tomorrow too.
P.S. It's the iphone 4 :-) I'm still using the very first iphone ever made!

Dedicated to you relishing in resourcefulness,
Rhonda G.
Steward and Owner of Relish Vintage & Artisan Boutique
Recycle. Repurpose. Refashion.
A Division of Relish LLC