Thursday, October 6, 2011

Living Resourcefully - Everyday.

A little something personal...

I live resourcefully everyday: I make a lot of my own clothing, often pack my lunch, turn the lights off when exiting a room and one of the most obvious is that I drive an old car. (It's paid off, so I'm vowing that I won't buy a new one until absolutely necessary:-).

I believe a lot of Americans are beginning to be more resourceful too. Keeping up with the Jones' is now often looked upon as showy and a waste of time.

Likewise, the people I respect the most aren't in the spot light or have powerful social standings. My list of mentors consists of average Americans who have saved smart, worked hard and are happy without social climbing. They're real people.

One of my favorite Bible scriptures teaches on this: "Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands..." ~Thessalonians 4:11

I ponder on this scripture almost everyday, given it is exactly how my mentors have lived. They were happy on the way to getting what they wanted, without being spiteful, superficial or in debt.

At the same time, do I indulge in things? Of course. Yet, I do so resourcefully.

Resourceful Tid Bit: One creative guilty pleasure is that we save a little each month and go out one (1) time to a decadent meal. So we skip the average take-out joint or common venue on a weekly basis and instead make reservations at a fabulous restaurant every month. So rather than visiting Joe's Pasta Place - we save for the Beach Bistro!

I didn't always live like this - I've learned the error of my ways. I believe the same rings true for many others too. Thus, why I opened Relish, "Where Being Resourceful is Always in Style," because it truly feels great when selecting a thoughtful gift, going out in a stylish outfit or entertaining at home - when it's creative, affordable and resourceful.

Just a little something personal for this blog post:-)

Dedicated to you relishing in resourcefulness,
Rhonda G.