Sunday, September 4, 2011

Resting & Replenishing at Relish!

I'm so thankful to have the opportunity to announce that Relish is closed and will reopen on October 1st!

It's been a fun and amazing four months at Relish. I loved meeting new people and friends. At the same time, September on Anna Maria Island moves at a slower pace, so I have decided to mimic some other island businesses and close for a short while to rest and replenish.

What we're up to:
As you see in the photo to the right, I have some Relish team members that often help me behind the scenes stock our large inventory of popular vintage, upcycled, recycled, reclaimed and repurposed goods. This is a picture of Brenna helping me save some vintage dresses by resewing the bodice and hem lines:-) So, we'll be resting a bit, while also continuing to work hard to restock for fall.

I hope to see some of you October 1st! And feel free to check back to this blog for updates on what we're working on and what will be in store at Relish in October!

Thank you to everyone who has shopped, donated and helped Relish. I adore and value all of you.

Dedicated to you relishing in resourcefulness,
Rhonda G.
P.S. We only have a few spaces left for the Workshop on October 10th. Click here for the info to grab a spot!
P.S.S. I invite you to shop online in September at our website:!
P.S.S.S. If you need something specific as a gift or outfit from Relish during September, feel free to email me at I often open the store for private shopping:-)