Friday, September 9, 2011

Be who you are

One of my favorite quotes:
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~ Dr. Seuss

This positive and mature thinking goes right along with being resourceful. Sometimes being resourceful requires you to be who you are.

Have you ever found yourself feeling small, given you couldn't afford the clothing, car or home furnishings that your friend has? I know I have. Yet now, over my many years of experience, I have learned that it means nothing to have the finer things, unless you value having them. Which means - to have and truly enjoy something of high value, one needs to save or budget for it. When we do - we truly value and love what WE worked for and what WE are wearing, etc. As a result, we don't feel insecure when someone shows off their latest purchase and we can likewise be elated for a friend's new acquisition.

In short, when we are who we are - it's all good.

As for me, I'm a simple lady on a budget who loves many things, not limited to: vintage, fashion, sewing, crafting, entertaining and decorating - all while living resourcefully:-)

Here's a pic of actress, Amy Smart, from the Scrubs show out in Hollywood recently with her $20 clutch from Target! Gotta love her for being who she is:-)

Go be who you are today!

Dedicated to you relishing in resourcefulness,
Rhonda G.